
Showing posts from August, 2019
Google Summer of Code -2019 Inzamam Iqbal - University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Project :  Create a user interface for Ganga that allows for the execution of tasks inside user specified virtual machines. Organization : CERN-HSF Mentors :  Mark Smith,  Alexander Richards,  Ulrik Egede Project Description Ganga is used to execute a user defined computational task on a distributed back-end. Through this project we let the users define the environment in which their task need to be executed. So the worker node will pull the user defined container and execute the task on it. Ganga repository: Tasks Completed Phase 1: Research and experiment on possible technologies and tools to use. Looked into different options to run docker containers in user space. Created a document comparing singularity and udocker, comparing all the modes of udocker using a research paper and official documentations. (link: