
Showing posts from September, 2017

Smart Parking - Description

Our project aim to make finding parking space with in cities easier as well as to automate the process which makes it easier to manage the parking garages. The idea is that users can download our mobile app from the relevant app market. Then they will sign in to the app with their vehicle detail and credit/debit card details. Then whenever they want to visit some place in the city they can look for the nearest available parking space.   Then they can book a parking space for a particular amount of time. Then they will be guided to the parking space. When they arrive to the correct space, the system detects the vehicle and verifies whether it is the person who booked the parking space using image processing. Then when the user finishes his work and leaves the parking space the system charges the user based on the time he parked. So our project consists of mainly three parts. A mobile application, An Iot system and a internal navigation system. Each of these parts has their own c