Google Summer of Code -2019

Inzamam Iqbal - University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

ProjectCreate a user interface for Ganga that allows for the execution of tasks inside user specified virtual machines.

Organization: CERN-HSF

MentorsMark Smith, Alexander Richards, Ulrik Egede

Project Description

Ganga is used to execute a user defined computational task on a distributed back-end. Through this project we let the users define the environment in which their task need to be executed. So the worker node will pull the user defined container and execute the task on it.

Tasks Completed

Phase 1: Research and experiment on possible technologies and tools to use.

Phase 2: Implementation

I have made the Pull request with virtualization support for LocalBackend. 

The PR contains:
  • file in Utility. It handles the following tasks:
    • Check the availability and permission of Docker
    • Check the availability and version of Singularity
    • Check the availability and permission of uDocker
    • Download and install uDocker
  • and files which extends
    • These files are responisble for creating Docker and Singularity Objects which specify the details like container image.
  • Modified file
    • Injects relevant scripts to
    • Copy the file and image file (if user has given it as a simg file) to the worker node
  • Modified
    • To run the tasks within user defined container and propagate the results and error back.

Phase 3: Finalizing
  • Wrote relevant unit tests
  • Documentation
Both are part of above mentioned pull request

Tasks Remaining

  • Extend the Virtualization support to other Backends which will be similar to LocalBackend.
  • Support for handling authentication for private docker hub images.


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